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    I FOUND 4 DOGS IN MY OREOS BY HONGYI Oreo is perfect for this food art. Because Oreo is sweet, and dog is the the sweetest animal ever. Well, at least for me. She said herself that it’s a tricky art to make, and I believe that. In tropical weather you can have sugary cream turns into sugary syrup in just a minute. Follow me: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest  

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    ARCTIC MELTING BY HONGYI Say no to global warming. Have to admit, this is a very clever way to show what was going on on arctic’s iceberg. I think the bear should be white, because they should be a polar bear, but the bear tells a story, and it’s a sad story.  Follow me: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest 

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    GIANT SQUID ATTACK! BY HONGYI Many scientist argue that sea monsters in myth or folklore were actually giant squid. Looking at this food art, maybe they right. Follow me: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest

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    HELLO THERE, RICHARD PARKER! BY HONGYI Tiger is one of the most endangered big cat in the world. I never read “Life of Pi” so I can’t say if this food art really visualized Richard Parker or not. I just think it’s quite ironic that beautiful tiger food art was created using carrot, white radish and prunes. It has not a single trace of meat. Vegetarian tiger, I guess. Follow me: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest 

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    Food Art by Red | Hong Yi

    Malaysian artist Hong Yi (who goes by the nickname red) made a series of food artworks. All her creations in the series consists of edible material arranged in white plate. This art was titled “ Sonny, if anything, just stay far far away from Colonel Sanders”. LOL In year 2003 there were 24 billion chicken on earth. Chicken ancestor, fowl, had been known in Egypt since the 18th Dynasty, with the “bird that gives birth every day”. —— Follow me: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest